Sunday, February 28, 2010

VIP Crafters

So, every couple of months or so, my Mom hosts a Craft Day.
It's kind of like getting on the "list" to a VIP, Hollywood party if you get to go.
Seriously, there are women knocking each other down and crawling over each other to get invited.

Also, we don't make cheesey crafts that you buy at some booth at the mall.
We make classy stuff, that you personalize to your tastes and colors in your home.

This craft day was building a plaque, based off of my infamous, "No Whining" sign.

I chose to do "Happy Wife~Happy Life".  Of which, I will proudly
display somewhere in my house, so that Brandon has a CONSTANT
reminder of how to make his life easier!

Mmmm hmmm...I make it real easy for a guy, don't I?

Here are some pics of women working hard, making
a little beauty for their homes and results of their work....

{My Mom helping mix the color and primer.}

{Women, speeding up the drying process with hairdryers.}

{Some of the crafters after a yummy lunch!}

{The finished product.}

Yeah, it's great.
We always start with fruit, scones, and coffee.

Then we get to work, slamming Diet Coke, if necessary.

There is tons of "girl talk" and screaming and laughing.

We break for lunch where everyone brings one of their best recipes.

Lastly, we put on the finishing touches and call it a day!

Craft Day...

{I can be bought to get your name on the list, just browse this blog to look for things to bribe me with!}


Anything Fits A Naked Man said...

Oh, that sounds just delightful!! LOVE the finished project, too! Sooo jealous!!

mary timmers said...

Leah is Hollywood gorgeous!!!!!

Beth said...

Ha ha ha, at first I totally thought that sign read "Shabby Wife, Shabby Life"! That could be a pretty accurate sign too :) Especially after having 3 kids and trying to squeeze in a shower everyday!


If I plan my next visit around craft day can I get on the waiting list.???

Unknown said...

I THOUGHT OF YOU GUYS ALL DAY!!!! I was in my car for another 8 hour drive(the day before was 8 hrs too). I thought of the yummy scones, Mary's beautiful home full of beautiful ladies - and how I wished I were there. Hopefully next time : ). LOVE the plaques!!!