Thank goodness for pumpkins and playdates!
And for my friend, Ashley...who took these pics of
my kiddos, and their friends enjoying a Fall day!
Here I am, with my lil' lovebug, Turner!
....and the most comfortable pair of boots I picked up at Target.
They are leather and only $49.99,
and the color {Taupe} seems to go with everything!
A must-have in my book of tricks!
So comfy and they make my Mommy wardrobe,
a bit more fashionable while still being comfortable.
Have you guys hit the pumpkin patch with your punkins'?
i heart those boots. i hope you dont mind that as soon as they go on sale (i know they are already cheap but im on a budget girl) im adding those to my shoe collection!!! i have been trying to talk husband into carving pumpkins with me but i may have to make it a girls night :) btw - great pics!
Looks like you and the grandbabies had fun at the pumpkin patch... Love the pictures.... :( Miss my family in MN.
Love the boots!!!!
Okay, question about the boots. I bought them a few weeks ago, but returned them because I felt like I was slipping on every surface that I walked on. Are you having that issue?
Erica-I haven't had a problem with slippage at all! Maybe they are too big, I scuffed them up being outside though! I don't know if that helps at all...
Oh my... I thought you were Ashley in the 'walking' picture! Shes such a sweetheart! Love your clothes and shoes!
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