Thursday, January 3, 2013


Sorry I left you hanging with that last post.

I'll continue.
I don't know about you, but most girls, if given the 
opportunity, will take up an offer to act like a model for a photo shoot. 

I did just that.

I scooped up about 5 outfits and bought some fake eyelashes.

I took the time to actually do my hair!

What?! I know!  And makeup...f I had it my way,
 I would never wear makeup.

But-I'm nearing 40 and so I can't go without,
 nearly as much as I used to.

Happy to say, my husband likes me best with
 a clean face, and that's 0% pressure.

As far as my kids?  When I wear makeup, they notice...
"why do you have that right there" and 
poke me in the eye in the same breath.

And after that, it was pretty simple.

A lot of..."oh yeah, that's cute, do that,
 pull your shoulder back, suck in your tummy".

And let me tell you---it was a blast, and
very exhausting at the same time.

Fun huh?

I love them!  Thanks Annie.

I did hers too!  Not cuz I am a photographer, cuz
the photo and the appropriate settings were set up 
and she has a phat camera that
does the good stuff.

I gotta say.
That modeling stuff is hard work.
Maybe it wouldn't be as hard if I didn't have to
suck in my tummy and angle the perfect way.
Or if someone did my hair, makeup and clothing choices.

I have mad respect for models.
Do your craft, it's not easy and after two hours...I was beat.

So I went and ate a burger and fries.
Betcha' real models don't do that.

You too could do this with a friend!

We took a Sunday afternoon away from the 
fam and started snapping.

Your girlfriends will be honest about
what works for YOU.  They tell you when you look like a dork
or you're too pouchey somewhere.

 I'll be happy I have these...especially
right before I turn 50 years old...cuz you never
appreciate how you look when you look like what you
look like....tell me you understand that last sentence?!?!

And honestly...I know I am a blessed woman,
I'm discovering it more with every year and that's 
what I thought of to get the real smiles in these 




SM Anderson said...

You are absolutely stunning my friend. Inside and out. I am honored to call you friend.

Tember said...

Seriously PERFECT!!! Love them ALL and you look fabulous (as did Annie!). You are a rockstar!

Amy Lemaniak said...

My goodness lady, you are BEAUTIFUL!! LOVE these!!