Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Give-Away,..the opposite of Butt cleavage!

No way am I going to do a post on Justin Bieber...I don't know
enough about him to devote the time.  But, I am gonna talk
about a problem that lot's of us have.  And he has the same problem in this 
When you bend over to do you worry 
about exposing yourself?  I don't always, sometimes I have a long shirt
on so it's not a problem..but I have some jeans that I won't wear
for that reason.  No one wants to hike their jeans up all day long huh?

Remember when we wore belts more?
Now, I don't want to wear a belt because the buckle seems
to add more to my tummy, not an area that needs anymore
bulk..that is for sho'.  And if I wear a long shirt, I don't want a big 
buckle bulge underneath either.

I have a solution, a solution that will make you run
up and hug me the next time you see me.

The LaLa Red belt.  It's So Stinkin' Cute {of course} 
and it will eliminate the previously mentioned problems.
1. Pants won't fall down
2. No extra bulk on the tummy area

Here it is:
See how cute it is and how flat it lays?

I now own the "Gwen"....
...and I am gonna give away the "Courtney"{size m/l}

They are reversible and come in two sizes and frankly,
they have changed my life and are spectacular!

Wanna win the "Courtney"?

Here's the rules:

1.Be a follower of So Stinkin' Cute
2. Visit here and comment on which style/color is your favorite.
3. Forward this blog link on Facebook, leave me an extra comment
saying you did and I will count that too!

LaLa Red has the cutest stuff including headbands and
coming soon...boy's ties.  It's all handmade here in Minnesota {invented by Moms
with the same problem} and
I just may make her products easier for you to get someday too!

Giveaway ends on June get your comments in!



  1. LOVE IT! I have this problem ALL the time! I also hate pulling up my jeans and feel like by the end of the day I don't even have to unbutton them to get them off!! My fav is the Betty! Love the diamonds and the black and grey! Good find Suzanne :)


  3. Hey momna Betty who needs this the most I don't care which one as this is a huge prob for me as I was Graced with the worlds longest butt cleavage in the world swear to goodness and I hate hate it ! ask Brandon lol.. The Gwen is super cute! I'm a follower, shared this on fb,

  4. Shared it on face book !

  5. Suzanne,
    What a great thing. I did not realize you had the same belt issues that I have. I was just talking to Alicia Stone today about not needing the bulk so I don't have one :-)

    Of course I am a follower. Who would not be.

    I think I am going to have to say that the Reese is my favorite.

    Have a fantastic breezy day. By the way....what product are you using in your hair these days?

  6. Yup, got it here. Worst thing is when my husband comments cause that's I'm loving the Eva...

    I'm a follower (yes, I stalk you daily (lol) and I'm sharing on FB ;)

  7. Love the Eva and the McKenzie - they are so cute! And I could use this to help fight against cleavage of my own :)

  8. I like the Reese and I'm sharing on FB! Great find Suzanne!

  9. Love the Betty belting. Shared on my fbook. I may be your # 1 follower.

  10. LOVE these! I also have the same problem. I love them all but the Penelope and Eva are probably my faves. This was a great find...thanks for sharing! Posting to facebook!


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